Dr. Sue Clifford, LPC-S
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Dr. Sue Clifford, PhD, LPC-S
Texas Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor License #17818
210.887.2122 (Voicemail only. New Clients email for appt.)
SueClifford@SueCliffordLPCS.com for new appointment scheduling
1122 West Blanco, San Antonio, Texas 78232

In-Network Insurance Provider for: Aetna, BCBS, Beacon, Ceridian Lifeworks, ChoiceCare, Cigna, Compsych, Humana/Lifesync, Magellan, MHN, MHNet, Multiplan/PHCS, Tricare, Value Options


 Individual Counseling With Women Across the Lifespan
and Professional Training Services for Counseling Professionals

Not sure what is going on or know exactly what's up? Either way - let's talk and see if we are a good fit. That's what we do as people and that's how I roll as a counselor.

 Feeling lost, overwhelmed, confused, stressed? Yearn to connect with life, yet, often become stuck? Navigating through life disconnections - with our spirit, families, partners, friends, work - can be exhausting and overwhelming.

We all have go-to life "toolboxes" in times of strength and challenge (faith, family, friends, chocolate...). Counseling adds to our life toolbox, providing a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings, find our voice, reconnect with the power within to experience love, acceptance, and be our authentic self.

Asking "How am I ever going to figure out..." is a good starting place. We can work together to develop clarity to connect with our spirit, our purpose, and others. We may not be able to change other people or certain situations...but we can change our reactions and learn to feel more peace. Sometimes we just need a neutral, caring place to take a deep breath, hit the pause button, and sort it all out.

Specific areas that I work with women in understanding and finding peace include:

Co-Dependency (I Care for Others More Than Myself)
Grief and Loss
Life Purpose ...Why Am I Here?
Life Transitions
Perimenopause/Menopause Adjustment
Maternal Mental Health
Motherhood and Parenting (infant through adult children)
Postpartum Adjustments
Relationship Exploration
Spiritual Awakening
Women's Roles and Expectations
Work/Life Balance

...Or Something Is Off And I Am Not Sure What Is Going On...

My counseling specialty is Women's Issues. I get asked "What does that mean?" It means that I honor and respect the differences between men and women. In our visits together, we will also explore the unique perspective that being a female offers: daughter, sister, mother, wife, partner, friend. The female experience can be very different than the male experience. Are there hormonal factors to consider? Societal expectations? Pressures to be a certain way and look a certain way? Maybe we are our own worst critic but can't shut the inner voice off?

Exploring female experiences across the lifespan brings a perspective that is often overlooked or down-played. Whether a hormonal issue is contributing to life stress such as PMS, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum adjustments, or perimenopause and menopausal transitions or societal expectations such as work/life balance, perfectionism, being that "Good Mom" or feelings of never quite doing it right or being good enough, guilt, and shame, together we can "figure it out".

We can explore and problem solve together. Quite amazing how just listening, talking, connecting, and yes - even laughing - about the hurts, stresses, and absurdities of life can be so refreshing and healing.

I accept most forms of insurance and schedule appointments on a space available basis. I work with many other talented clinicians throughout the city, and would be happy to connect friends and family members with them if that is needed. Please visit my Services Provided page to learn more about counseling availability as well as professional services offered for counselors and counselor interns. 

 Thank you for visiting my web site.
All are welcome. All are accepted for just being.

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